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  • Writer's pictureTom Norman

2:22 A Ghost Story- Spoiler Free

Updated: Sep 6, 2022

Click here for the spoiler review!

30th August 2022,

Criterion Theatre London


The Show

The play takes place over the course of one night. Jenny is home alone with their baby while Sam is away on a astrometry trip to the Isle of Sark

When he returns, they have Sam's childhood friend Lauren and boyfriend Ben. The conversation moves onto the events of the last few nights. Jenny describes how at 2:22am for the last 4 nights there has been a series of events that have spooked her to the point she is scared

Sam is not convinced and attempts to find a scientific explanation for the events. So they decide to stay up as group to see the events that may happen at 2:22!

Jenny gets more frustrated with his lack of belief in the events. Lauren believes her while Ben is getting more annoyed at Sam's attitude.

The events build up to the end of the first act where you literally sit up in shock even when the lights go up

The 2nd half is build up to 2:22. Ben decides to carry out a séance in an attempt to make contact with the spirit. This event of this cause a series of strange happenings that push the group over the edge.

With Jenny scared and spending time with the baby, Lauren has a drunk heart-to-heart with Sam. The clock gets closer to 2:22 and there is a explosive conclusion that leaves everyone in shock.


Sam: Tom Felton

Jenny: Mandip Gill

Lauren: Beatriz Romilly

Ben: Sam Swainsbury

The cast was amazing. The ability to jump from building the tension to suddenly humour was brilliant. You could feel all the feelings that Mandip portrayed at the final scene, actually did hit me

Beatriz was amazing ,she was able to portray a slow drunkeness and you actually felt sad for her when she let feelings be known to Tom since their time at University

You could feel Tom's anger when he was trying to show the scientific reasons and they was ignoring it.


The set was a simple house with no movement. The use of lights to build the tension was brilliant. The outdoor spotlight switching on by itself with nobody around was a simple but effective way to build the tension of the scene.


I sat in G24 Stalls. They was advertised as Restricted View. The only part I missed was the left side of the stage, and part of the door. Apart from that perfect view. Being a End of row seat also meant easy ability to leave and room for legs to stretch.


The only merchandise to purchase was a program.

Final Thoughts

This was an amazing show. I don't normally go for spooky shows but this was perfect. The tension and the ability to jump from that to humour was brilliant and that is something that managed to keep it from being to scary for me!

If you get a chance to see this show go!!


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