Back to the Future The Musical, Adelphi Theatre, 24th June 2022

When Marty McFly finds himself transported back to 1955 in a time machine built by the scientist Doc Brown,
He accidentally changes the course of history. He messes with the relationship between his mum and dad, as his mum falls for him rather than his dad!
He has to try and fix the timeline by reuniting his parents before time erases him and the rest of his siblings! He enlists the help of the past version of Doc Brown who helps fix the Delorean time machine. They have to wait for the exact time to attempt the jump back into the future.
Marty manages to get back to the future, which has changed with him now being part of a band!
The musical does a brilliant job at intertwining the well-known songs such as Power of Love, but also original songs like "Its only a Matter of Time" and "Hello is there anybody Home"
This was what made the show amazing! From the moment you walk into the auditorium you are created with panels of light and the sounds of a computer. The sets on the stage are breath-taking and how they do some of the scenes , i still have not worked out how they do it.
2 scenes stand out, the scene with where Doc climbs onto the clock tower and holds the electrical cables. The other scene is when the Delorean flies across the audience and goes upside down!
Sat in Upper Circle A 32. This seat was advertised as restricted view but there was nothing restricted about them. A perfect view and leg space with the seat being a end of aisle seat!
There was a wide choice of merchandise including tote bags, socks, t-shirts, hoodies, pins, CD and program.
Final Thought
I have to admit i went into the show without seeing the film which meant i didn't understand some of the references and crowd applauses at various points but overall the show was good. If you are in London and a fan of the film highly recommend seeing it. If you haven't seen the film, its best to see the film first before seeing the show! (Watched the film shortly after and understood some of the references)