4th October 2022

This was my final trip to Blackgang for the 2022 Season and you can already see the changes that will welcome us next year. As you arrive at the entrance there is major work going on next to the building. No clues yet what this will be but will be interesting to see. Next to Cliffhanger is now a sign saying the 30th of October will be the final day of riding of this amazing rollercoaster. This was the first rollercoaster i rode 17 years ago and will be sad to see it leave the park. But we have been told a new big ride will be coming next year!

Down by the exit of Underwater Kingdom there is major work going on where the picnic benches used to be. Will be interesting to see what will happen here, maybe a extension of Underwater Kingdom or maybe the home of the long-awaited return of The Weather Wizard!

The rest of the park is still up to a good standard. All the animatronics around the park all work, Rumpus Mansion, Restricted Area 5 etc! The grounds all to high standard, even noticed a new fountain on the walk down to Nursery Land from the Café. You could can see the park getting ready for the Halloween events, and the transformation of the bottom half into Terror Island! The park is open till 30th October, you will still have fun regardless of the weather!
Can't wait for the 2023 season, the 180th Birthday of the park and the introduction of a brand new ride!
