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  • Writer's pictureTom Norman

Lift 109

Updated: Mar 15, 2023


Battersea Power Station 11th February 2023

If you are looking for a unique way to enjoy the views of London, you might want to try the Chimney Lift Experience at the Battersea Power Station. This experience takes you up one of the iconic chimneys in a glass lift and lets you admire the city skyline from 109 meters above ground. However, before you book your tickets online for £15 per adult (which is much cheaper than the £23 walk-in price), there are some things you should know about this attraction.

First of all, you need to reserve a timeslot in advance as they tend to sell out quickly. When you arrive, you will have to wait in an exhibit area that showcases the history and transformation of the power station into a shopping centre. You can also take a green-screen photo for an extra fee. Then, you will move to another waiting area where you can watch a countdown and play with an interactive screen that explains how steam power works. The downside of this part is that the lifts are quite small and crowded, so you might feel uncomfortable.

The main attraction is the glass lift that takes you up the chimney in about 30 seconds. The lift has some information about what landmarks you can see from different angles. The view from the top is spectacular and worth the wait. You can see as far as Hampton Court in the west and the city skyline in the east. You have 10 minutes to enjoy the view before going down again.

The exit leads to a gift shop that has a variety of souvenirs at reasonable prices. You can find pins, keyrings, pens and more.

Overall, this is a fun and different experience that offers amazing views of London. However, it could improve on some aspects such as reducing waiting time, increasing lift capacity and providing more information at the top.


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