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  • Writer's pictureTom Norman

SIX the Musical

Updated: May 30, 2023

9th April 2023 ,Vaudeville Theatre ,London


Six the Musical Finale

This was the 18th time seeing this show and it still puts a mega smile on my face, from the moment i walk into the theatre to the moment the show finishes!

Six the Musical is a pop concert-style musical that features six talented actresses playing the roles of Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Anna of Cleves, Katherine Howard and Catherine Parr. Each queen gets to tell her story through a catchy and witty song that showcases her personality and perspective. The musical is full of historical references, modern jokes and feminist messages that make it relevant and relatable to today's audiences.

The show starts with a catchy number called "Ex-Wives" where the queens introduce themselves and compete for who had the worst time with Henry. They then take turns to perform their solo songs, each one inspired by a different pop star or genre. Here's a brief summary of each song:

Catherine of Aragon (Rhianne-Louise McCaulsky) opens the contest with "No Way", a fiery Latin pop song that describes her time with Henry and the reason she was divorced. She refuses to give up her crown and dignity and declares that she will always be his wife.

Anne Boleyn (Baylie Carson) tells the story of how she broke England from the church and her beheading in the song "Don't Lose Ur Head". She sings with a cheeky and rebellious attitude, mocking Henry and his advisors for their hypocrisy and cruelty. She also reveals her softer side and her love for her daughter Elizabeth.

Jane Seymour (Leah Vassell) sings a ballad called "Heart of Stone" about her natural death and leaving her son to grow up without a mum. She expresses her sadness and regret for not being able to see him grow up, but also her pride and joy for being the only one who gave Henry a male heir.

Anna of Cleves (Monique Ashe-Palmer) performs "Haus of Holbein", a hilarious song that tells the story of how Henry chose her from a portrait painted by Hans Holbein in Germany. She then goes on to sing "Get Down", a sassy R&B song that describes how she was divorced because she didn't match her portrait. She doesn't mind though, because she gets to live a lavish life in England as Henry's sister.

Katherine Howard (Danielle Rose) sings "All You Wanna Do", a heartbreaking pop song that reveals her tragic past of being abused and exploited by men since she was a child. She hopes that Henry will be different, but he ends up accusing her of adultery and executing her.

Catherine Parr (Roxanne Couch) closes the show with "I Don't Need Your Love", a powerful anthem that tells how she had to give up her true love Thomas Seymour to marry Henry. She sings about how she survived him and went on to write books and educate women.

The queens then realize that they have more in common than they thought, and that they are more than just Henry's wives. They decide to rewrite their stories and celebrate their achievements and individuality in the finale song "Six".

Six the Musical is a brilliant show that combines history, humour and music in a unique way. It's not only entertaining but also inspiring and empowering for women and girls everywhere. I highly recommend it to anyone who loves musicals or wants to learn more about these amazing women who shaped history.

The show is currently being performed in the Vaudeville Theatre. There is a few restricted view rows. For this performance i sat in Upper Circle A9. There is a safety barrier, so this may affect some people's view of the stage. There is several opportunities to purchase merchandise from programs, Pins, T-Shirts and Hoodies!

Run Time: 1 Hour 20minutes, no interval


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