14th January 2023, Milton Keynes Theatre

I went into the show knowing I would love it as I have seen every single Mischief Theatre production so far. Before the show started everyone was asked to put their biggest secret onto a card for the Mind Mangler to use in the show. Henry Lewis is a natural in the show and was hysterical through the whole show. Some of the magic tricks I still can't work out how he did it! One trick was a he folded a newspaper several times while ripping it to shreds but then it was completely intact when he unfolded it! His first trick he needed the help of a member of audience. He picks someone, who turns out to be he friend but its so funny as he is wearing a t-shirt saying "normal audience member" He tries to hypnotise him but end up hypnotised himself, so he gives up his biggest secret (IBS ) and gives his friend a £20. He then turns the house lights on and starts to guess the biggest secrets of the audience. He manages to guess the first 2 correct (secretly giving up her parents tacky possessions to the charity shop and almost eaten by a bear), the final secret didn't have a name so he had to ask the entire audience to stand up and say" Not my Secret" . He slowly narrows it down, until its the "random audience member" who admits he forgot to post the Mind Manglers VISA application in time. The first act ends with him trying to escape a glass cabinet. But because he smashed his own cabinet he borrows the theatres ice cream freezer. In typical style the act goes wrong and the curtain goes down with him stuck inside the freezer During the interval members of the audience are invited onto the stage to mix up a rubics cube for a act. The Mind Mangler says he used his powers to convince the audience to create a picture of him but with the words " tosser" spelt out! He then tries to bend a spoon with his mind. He thinks he failed, but he didn't see the bent microphone stand and the stage lights bent! He then sets up a Ouija board to communicate with the dead. He picks a "random" member of the audience. He struggles to play along, moving it to the wrong phase and wrong letter. The Mind Mangler snaps and calls him useless. Turns out his friend has been secretly funding his career and setting up his gigs under the disguise of a actual manager. The Mind Mangler tries to save the show with the finale. He uses a gilateen, his head locked in with 2 padlocks mixed by members of the audience. He assumes they have been told by the stage helps what numbers to change to. He panics as he has already his friend to start the countdown. He fails to release his head in time. With the entire audience and his friend assuming his head is in the basket. Turns out he manages to change position with one of the stage helps with a cloak on without anyone seeing. The whole show is just 1hour 30 of fun. He moves from one trick to another with brilliant interaction with the audience. It has the high standards of a Mischief production. Henry Lewis and Jonathan Slayer are absolute brilliant. I would watch this show over and over again as it would be slightly different every time because of the audience participation. If this shows comes to a theatre near you go and buy a ticket as you are guaranteed a laugh!
