We Will Rock You, Royal & Derngate Northampton, 23rd March 2022

The show tells the story of a future world, devoid of any creativity or musical instruments, run by a company called Globalsoft. Everybody is taught at schools run by Globalsoft to all think the same except 2 people, Scaramouche and Galileo. They run away from society and discover a group of rebels who call themselves The Bohemians. They live amongst relics like VHS taps, old magazine covers etc. They have each called themselves after different past musicians, like Britney Spears and Meatloaf. The rebels aim is to reintroduce musical instruments to the world and take down Globalsoft.
The secret base of the rebels is discovered by Globalsoft who take almost everyone back to headquarters for processing. Scaramouche and Galileo manage to escape and hide.
They find out the rebels have been returned to their base, but completely stripped of their individual thoughts, Scaramouche manages to get a old VHS tape working, which shows the beginning of Bohemian Rhapsody. This manages to bring back the rebels to their old selves,
Scaramouche and Galileo head to the old Wembley Stadium, where Queen held their famous concert, They discover Freddie Mercury;s old guitar.With Galileo singing and Scaramouche playing the guitar, they manage to take down Globalsoft.
The show manages to intertwine Queens music with story. Every song is performed brilliantly, but the stand out song has to be the entire cast singing Bohemian Rhapsody at the end!
The shows uses a basic set with moving props coming onto the stage and a large screen in the background. In one scene instead of a full motorbike, there is only the handbars. In the West End Version they used a actual motorbike. Keep a eye on the band on the screen at the end as you may spot somebody. The only issue i had was in some parts the music was too loud to hear the actual cast member singing. This might only be a issue at the Derngate as it has happened before.
Upper Circle A25 and A 26. The seats positioned at the end of the front row of the Upper Circle This meant a good view but if sat back in the seat did miss some of the action at the front of the stage.
There was a small selection of merchandise including, T-Shirts, Keyrings, program, CD and book about Queen and the creation of the stageshow. This was a reduced selection compared to the West End Show
The Final Score
If you a mega fan of Queen you will love this show. There is a announcement at the beginning of the performance jokingly saying please don't sing along as your not a professional performer, but with a mask on nothing stopping you miming! The cast are brilliant, and play their roles perfectly! The tour is currently going around the UK so if it comes to a theatre near you i highly recommend going!